Teacher Website Search
For this assignment, I was to find four websites that offered ideas and strategies on classroom arrangement, structure, activites, and organization. I found many resources that were helpful, it was interesting to see the many different ideas that teachers shared. Below are the four that I felt offered the best, and most varied resources and strategies.
Teaching Resources
Teaching resources is a website made by Laura Candler within this website she has many different activites and printable material. I really enjoyed looking through the filing cabinet on her website, she has folders with loads of free printable material and lessons that she has created. Along with teaching strategies and best practices in education. She provides print books, eBooks for online, and digital resources.
Busy Teachers Café
Busy teachers café is a website for K-6 grade, this site provides resources, ideas, lessons, and free printable material. Along with different strategies for teaching and classroom management. Such as literacy strategies, literature guides, and literacy centers. I really enjoyed the resources for new teachers, this website provides a link that will take you to a new teacher page. This new teacher page is helpful for first year of teaching, with also finding ideas, tips and resources.
Strategies for Classroom
www.eflawrence.weebly.com/classroom-management.htmlStrategies for classroom management website provides different links that are very helpful and can be applied in the classroom. Such as management strategies, communicating with families, and classroom structure ideas. I really enjoyed reading the classroom layout page, this page provided some great ideas for different layouts and also provided a sample layout to look at. Along with different tips and tricks for organizing the classroom.
Growing Kinders
Growing kinders is a blog site made by Kathleen Pederson for learning, sharing and inspiring. She provides so many wonderful materials and ideas that can be used in the classroom. She provides for different subjects such as math, reading, writing, science and social studies. For each subject she provides so much material, I really enjoyed looking at each one and seeing the different ideas that we as teacher can use for our classrooms.
Info about website
Was the website helpful
This website is really helpful and she provides a great amount of
activites and printable material.
Yes, very helpful
This website is a site for K-6 grade and provides resources, ideas,
lessons and free printable material.
Yes, very helpful
This website provides strategies for classroom management.
Yes, very helpful
This website provides material and ideas for math, reading, writing,
science, ad social studies.
Yes, very helpful
I found these four websites to be very useful, each one provided great recourse for creating a positive leaning environment. We as teacher can use these websites to get ideas and printable material for the classroom. Along with different ideas for classroom management, structure and different organizing tools.
Thank you for reading my blog,
Allison Hayden.
Great blog! I love the free printables available through the websites you found. I also really like the Growing Kinders website! She has some great ideas and I love that she provided actual pictures of her classroom using the resources she is providing. Thank you for the links!